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Game: Counter Strike: Global Offensive
#218 Counter Strike: Global Offensive Ranking
84th percentile
#12 RU CSGO Server Ranking
#12 of 310 Counter Strike: Global Offensive servers in Russia
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
LbICbIU 50,188 6d 20h 38m
Suns^ 50,091 4d 16h 1m
ECLIPSE 49,196 6d 14h 19m
naposham 47,256 4d 9h 42m
Lzz 46,836 22d 17h 13m
〘 F O X A R 〙 45,255 6d 12h 6m
MoHaKo 41,223 5d 22h 9m
GUNA.l. 34,613 7d 14h 59m
XopowucT 31,889 8d 2h 58m
TP realpain 30,946 8d 13h 54m