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Current map: MP_Prison

Game: Battlefield 4
#26 Battlefield 4 Ranking
90th percentile
#18 US BF4 Server Ranking
#18 of 174 Battlefield 4 servers in United States
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
TheGaussianMan 12,085,389 16d 3h 38m
Nukem9 8,185,349 7d 16h 38m
SID-328 7,297,344 15d 19h 41m
MOLLYS-Hatchet69 6,779,656 15d 11h 38m
Rowebot3339 5,852,620 10d 5h 6m
The0bamessiah 5,616,829 9d 19h 42m
SlickShoes76 4,856,376 7d 19h 39m
Das_Hippy 4,782,414 9d 18h 45m
AngelofM3tal 4,687,503 8d 21h 55m
WetSheets 4,651,844 10d 8h 29m