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Current map: bloodgulch

Game: Halo
#33 Halo Ranking
86th percentile
#33 US HALO Server Ranking
#33 of 202 Halo servers in United States
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
PEPSIMAN 3,875 19h 39m
New001 3,576 2d 2h 23m
Nuevo001 3,447 4d 11h 36m
FRANS 21 2,682 1d 12h 26m
Khodaei 1,564 9h 39m
jok 1,443 20h 46m
roko 1,217 7h 27m
Salvatrucha 1,216 0h 39m
RipMS2 1,016 6h 5m
Gokhau 983 2h 21m