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Current map: Canyon

Game: Insurgency: Sandstorm
#68 Insurgency: Sandstorm Ranking
38th percentile
#37 US INSURGSS Server Ranking
#37 of 52 Insurgency: Sandstorm servers in United States
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Capt. Cramz 3,365 2h 5m
cow_apocalypse 2,990 0h 0m
[OPE] Joursche 2,675 0h 52m
[OPE] asighofrelief 2,595 0h 40m
Butt Cheek 2,515 1h 47m
TankCaptain_1 2,460 0h 34m
EntagFabulous 2,345 1h 36m
[303] I. Martinez 2,180 1h 16m
khd 2,175 0h 15m
lRiFlsandman 2,145 0h 4m