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Current map: jb_spy_vs_spy_beta7-2

Game: Counter Strike: Global Offensive
#466 Counter Strike: Global Offensive Ranking
66th percentile
#366 U CSGO Server Ranking
#366 of 1168 Counter Strike: Global Offensive servers in Unknown
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
DabOfGravy 5,903 7d 7h 38m
Wolfman 5,800 6d 17h 45m
NumberZzz 5,505 9d 23h 42m
spook 5,100 8d 7h 26m
carrollton 3,584 8d 15h 5m
Pog. 3,171 4d 8h 47m
BeetleAtom 3,140 4d 5h 21m
Giraff 2,826 4d 23h 37m
Spy [SG] 2,705 2d 15h 18m
PRINCEB 2,289 7d 6h 31m