Server Details

MoonGamers.com | CTF 24/7


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Current map: el alamein

Game: Battlefield 1942
#52 Battlefield 1942 Ranking
56th percentile
#13 US BF1942 Server Ranking
#13 of 42 Battlefield 1942 servers in United States
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
air-force-e4 926 11h 10m
Player 784 11h 31m
bruh 459 5h 19m
jackattack 375 9h 10m
Scarecrow 333 7h 23m
AFSOILDER 240 5h 33m
bro 186 6h 4m
Fweedom 155 1h 58m
Aleks 136 0h 12m
DEMON REX 132 2h 48m