Server Details

-nVts-xFireCrashBroad USA - nvts.online/discord


Players online (19% full)

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Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
#758 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Ranking
0th percentile
#155 US COD4 Server Ranking
#155 of 156 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare servers in United States
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2 years ago
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Online Players
Name Score Ping Time Online
[bot] Pogey Beach 11500 N/A > 24 hours
[bot] Snowbirds 11500 N/A > 24 hours
[bot] Timbit 11000 N/A > 24 hours
[bot] Darts 10500 N/A > 24 hours
[bot] Mickey 9500 N/A > 24 hours
[bot] Double Double 8000 N/A > 24 hours
[bot] Toboggan 8000 N/A > 24 hours
[bot] Molson Muscle 7000 N/A > 24 hours
[bot] Canadian tuxedo 6000 N/A > 24 hours
[bot] Canuck 6000 N/A > 24 hours
[bot] Gong Show 3000 N/A > 24 hours
[bot] Two-Four 3000 N/A > 24 hours
Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
[bot] Pogey Beach 11,500 0h 0m
[bot] Snowbirds 11,500 0h 0m
[bot] Timbit 11,000 0h 0m
[bot] Darts 10,500 0h 0m
[bot] Mickey 9,500 0h 0m
[bot] Double Double 8,000 0h 0m
[bot] Toboggan 8,000 0h 0m
[bot] Molson Muscle 7,000 0h 0m
[bot] Canadian tuxedo 6,000 0h 0m
[bot] Canuck 6,000 0h 0m