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Current map: Citadel

Game: Insurgency: Sandstorm
#42 Insurgency: Sandstorm Ranking
62nd percentile
#3 DE INSURGSS Server Ranking
#3 of 10 Insurgency: Sandstorm servers in Germany
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
yenicerivip 110,440 4d 20h 32m
LEADER-TÜRK 96,115 4d 17h 17m
Saddam111 89,445 4d 20h 3m
TR_AUROX_TR 75,330 4d 14h 22m
suskun 47,635 2d 18h 41m
ahmet_ekinoglu 46,340 3d 23h 51m
TR_q_Xhantus_TR 1,855 5h 2m
`` Ria. ✪ 1,195 0h 29m
Bob-sans-calecon 865 0h 23m
dp 550 0h 27m