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Game: Counter Strike: 1.6
#60 Counter Strike: 1.6 Ranking
44th percentile
#7 RO CS16 Server Ranking
#7 of 50 Counter Strike: 1.6 servers in Romania
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
GLG 3,843 15d 1h 14m
Lucille 3,801 15d 2h 34m
No^Trick 2,930 1d 20h 0m
Hellbanianz 2,687 1d 23h 0m
Creepy 2,594 2d 14h 36m
SatanKlaus 2,559 16d 4h 38m
Nyx 2,170 3d 0h 48m
albbbb 2,147 3d 4h 10m
mischiveous1 2,016 1d 1h 18m
Quality. 1,695 4d 9h 7m