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Game: Counter Strike: 1.6
#673 Counter Strike: 1.6 Ranking
0th percentile
#36 AR CS16 Server Ranking
#36 of 37 Counter Strike: 1.6 servers in Argentina
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Keta Shiendo zzzeek; 1,473 3d 12h 7m
Jazde 1,340 2d 3h 19m
Capitan Presto Pronta 877 1d 10h 26m
-NiKo LuGaNo- 801 1d 2h 16m
Sr MOshii 724 14h 55m
cONFAA 712 15h 43m
th1rt3en 651 14h 40m
emilia 560 22h 5m
[Vulcano] Fer 552 13h 21m
Rk |Arking.- 528 12h 39m