Server Details

Game: Counter Strike: Global Offensive
#720 Counter Strike: Global Offensive Ranking
47th percentile
#607 U CSGO Server Ranking
#607 of 1168 Counter Strike: Global Offensive servers in Unknown
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2 years ago
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Online Players
Name Score Ping Time Online
RIZE GAMERS | GOTV 0 N/A > 24 hours
Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
oh é gozo 6,541 8d 16h 19m
2iPe 5,967 4d 23h 6m
:v 5,613 5d 8h 3m
cout1nho 3,847 5d 8h 24m
GROOTj 3,092 3d 4h 51m
Sukuna 2,986 2d 11h 27m
GagNe 2,827 1d 10h 32m
oliveira 2,765 2d 6h 4m
☢ Jonas Pistolas ☢ 2,723 1d 18h 14m
DOMO 2,598 1d 21h 20m