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Game: Counter Strike: 1.6
#119 Counter Strike: 1.6 Ranking
0th percentile
#7 RS CS16 Server Ranking
#7 of 23 Counter Strike: 1.6 servers in Serbia
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Online Players
Name Score Ping Time Online
mR.GhoST 1 N/A > 24 hours
# _ # ***_ _ _DEMON_ _ _*** 0 N/A > 24 hours
Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
batocinac 1,522 3d 0h 14m
Rikisa :p 1,203 12d 7h 50m
Mafijoza | Erox 809 21h 2m
ASSASSIAN 792 1d 16h 45m
#Crna CoKoLaDa 768 1d 3h 59m
Spookyyyy 753 7d 10h 1m
BALKANAC 701 4d 2h 49m
ϟ KAKA-SHI 665 4d 7h 54m
stripsi018 623 1d 2h 7m
BOKSER 603 12d 19h 38m