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[TR] TESLA | FUN SUNUCUSU | - prooyun.net


Players online (3% full)

Current map: awp_lego_2

Game: Counter Strike: Global Offensive
#2593 Counter Strike: Global Offensive Ranking
0th percentile
#126 TR CSGO Server Ranking
#126 of 140 Counter Strike: Global Offensive servers in Turkey
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
hivron 3,144 19h 54m
Tolunay Ören 3,122 16h 24m
droft 2,871 6h 4m
<S_E[L]İ_M> amaZünnetçiolan 2,362 13h 39m
KASCON 2,049 16h 47m
WOXİC 1,848 3h 55m
€feR° 1,671 3h 17m
ZÜNNETÇİ <S_E[L]İ_M> 1,354 7h 48m
AmaKasapOlan 若者 1,045 3h 1m
seyithan 902 2h 29m