Server Details

[wasdzone.com] JAILBREAK TR Sunucusu | oyunhost.net


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Game: Counter Strike: Global Offensive
#175 Counter Strike: Global Offensive Ranking
87th percentile
#100 U CSGO Server Ranking
#100 of 1168 Counter Strike: Global Offensive servers in Unknown
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
ZOWNAN 7,518 2d 15h 6m
✪GorillaWear™ 7,219 23h 14m
SPEXYtm wasdzone.com 6,997 1d 9h 39m
KatzMyth 6,358 9h 26m
gEmir wasdzone.com 5,685 2d 9h 53m
el-kedy™ 5,053 2d 7h 55m
Makvaize 5,037 4d 2h 45m
VeunoX 4,844 19h 11m
SWOZİN™ 4,763 1d 4h 54m
Cex 4,682 1d 14h 21m