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[GER]Altis-Hunter2.0 | Crafting-,Level-,Bus-,Konvoisystem|75K S


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Current map: Altis

Game: Arma 3
#91 Arma 3 Ranking
85th percentile
#40 DE ARMA3 Server Ranking
#40 of 255 Arma 3 servers in Germany
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Roman Tisch [DcR] 46 6h 56m
Sepp Tember [Polizei] 44 3d 18h 20m
Paul O'Conner [Polizei] 38 2d 12h 18m
Kenny McBlack [DcR] 29 1d 20h 26m
Michael Baumann [Polizei] 26 4d 11h 18m
Elmo Barton [FDA] 26 3d 16h 57m
nico korenze[DBDG] 25 2d 15h 23m
Finn Daniels [FDA] 24 17h 20m
nico korenze [B.O.P.E.] 22 1d 16h 53m
Anakin Skywalker [P-F-U] 19 23h 52m