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Currywurst DayZ Cherno2035|PvP|Missions|Roaming AI||and more


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Current map: Chernarus_2035

Game: Arma 3
#160 Arma 3 Ranking
74th percentile
#76 DE ARMA3 Server Ranking
#76 of 255 Arma 3 servers in Germany
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Online Players
Name Score Ping Time Online
Kasztellan [RU] 12 N/A > 24 hours
Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Martzipan 3,057 5d 21h 42m
VitaD 1,841 5d 9h 49m
USER 1,560 9d 23h 30m
PAGANUS 1,394 4d 14h 20m
Netsroht 1,091 3d 22h 31m
Marco 1,063 4d 17h 30m
Kasztellan [RU] 943 3d 11h 7m
Barik 905 5d 11h 23m
Chop 862 2d 4h 3m
Alfred 763 3d 4h 22m