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Game: Quake 3
#21 Quake 3 Ranking
66th percentile
#4 DE QUAKE3 Server Ranking
#4 of 12 Quake 3 servers in Germany
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2 years ago
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
^0Anarki 12,307 4d 21h 57m
^0Xaero 4,802 17h 15m
^0Major 3,359 1d 8h 22m
^0Gorre 3,304 19h 35m
^0Hunter 3,297 23h 47m
^0Klesk 2,933 1d 8h 27m
^0Ranger 2,906 1d 4h 21m
^0Doom 2,702 1d 2h 47m
^1X^3a^2e^5r^4o 2,434 4d 20h 45m
^0Patriot 2,173 1d 8h 38m