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Current map: awp_lego_2

Game: Garry's Mod
#725 Garry's Mod Ranking
0th percentile
#105 RU GMOD Server Ranking
#105 of 240 Garry's Mod servers in Russia
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Pain. 4,146 4d 16h 28m
Bobby 3,783 3d 11h 30m
Shirou 2,725 1d 5h 43m
Milana 2,377 4d 7h 11m
KoLBaSKA 2,245 2d 6h 41m
Harlock 2,067 1d 16h 12m
Destroyer 1,932 1d 14h 48m
AwAkeningForces 1,817 2d 22h 8m
FFF 1,769 4d 7h 53m
Karoto 1,695 12h 24m