Server Details

Raven Riders Only Sniper [S&D + S&R] | SLHosting.eu


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Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
#150 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Ranking
74th percentile
#3 HU COD4 Server Ranking
#3 of 33 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare servers in Hungary
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
YuPo | DNMonet 11,933 6d 22h 9m
Ati 4,960 3d 1h 10m
Magiika 4,050 4d 16h 40m
Mira 3,824 4d 15h 3m
Guli 3,672 2d 22h 2m
<|Jr.HK|> Beni 3,151 3d 13h 4m
kesegyasz 2,921 1d 4h 53m
AT1 2,908 22h 13m
P3tike 2,873 1d 12h 3m
rEgInA:D 2,635 1d 14h 44m