Server Details

RBN COOP Server 2 | CUSTOM MAPS | www.1streconbn.net


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Current map: buhriz_coop

Game: Garry's Mod
#2167 Garry's Mod Ranking
0th percentile
#766 US GMOD Server Ranking
#766 of 838 Garry's Mod servers in United States
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2 years ago
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Mad Chuby 8,610 1h 58m
Necrobutcher 6,890 1h 58m
Pwnist 3,780 0h 27m
Aslan katil 3,650 0h 26m
Ivan 3,160 9h 11m
The Best Nerd 3,000 0h 36m
Clone of Absolution 2,470 0h 36m
Capinfools 2,390 0h 26m
H3is3nb3rg33 1,910 0h 26m
Postal Malone 1,790 0h 26m