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Game: Team Fortress 2
#139 Team Fortress 2 Ranking
0th percentile
#14 RU TF2 Server Ranking
#14 of 15 Team Fortress 2 servers in Russia
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
fid :3 3,554 1d 12h 8m
paincake 2,819 2d 12h 34m
Чортовод 2,810 1d 1h 8m
sovunkaa 2,506 1d 0h 48m
Drunk Ronin yearns for serenity 2,232 15h 47m
clony 1,989 1d 21h 6m
Xiter 1,597 17h 36m
Pamplonabull 1,489 21h 14m
SoulJam 1,489 15h 51m
東京スパイ163 1,460 1d 3h 11m