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{AWP [BHOP] Public}[№2] !ws, !gl, !knife


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Current map: awp_japan__kef

Game: Counter Strike: Global Offensive
#2067 Counter Strike: Global Offensive Ranking
0th percentile
#209 RU CSGO Server Ranking
#209 of 310 Counter Strike: Global Offensive servers in Russia
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Darox nin 1,527 19h 11m
❤s1mple❤ 981 10h 2m
Ван Дам_06 960 7h 19m
Cyxaruk Alefron 948 11h 20m
❤️MoJLoDoY---Б@Б@Й❤ 878 5h 8m
Great scammer 4K PTS 861 5h 54m
4ebyrat0r 850 3h 28m
TTpuKoJlbHblu 797 4h 27m
Booze 770 1h 38m
TeJLenoptep 766 4h 44m