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Uprising Co-Op


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Current map: Farmhouse

Game: Insurgency: Sandstorm
#53 Insurgency: Sandstorm Ranking
52nd percentile
#30 US INSURGSS Server Ranking
#30 of 52 Insurgency: Sandstorm servers in United States
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
-C17- 26,560 16h 29m
Stevoid 20,810 10h 18m
Mr_Whatsittoya 9,525 1d 1h 21m
monkeydog189 8,460 4h 7m
OMINOUS 7,795 7h 12m
Cheeki Breeki 7,125 3h 45m
Pohis 6,920 2h 21m
ChoiBoi 5,250 0h 26m
Lc_Snake_404 4,760 1h 41m
Doctor Todders 4,705 3h 40m