Server Details

*Escuadron Batata ARG* /classic/custom maps/workshop


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Current map: nmo_corpsington

Game: Garry's Mod
#1081 Garry's Mod Ranking
0th percentile
#14 AR GMOD Server Ranking
#14 of 34 Garry's Mod servers in Argentina
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Sr.Vasco 5,961 1d 20h 42m
♥ブラック フリッピ♥ 961 2h 45m
Wabein 860 11h 28m
FStrike 782 12h 51m
LaMorsah 622 4h 52m
Warija 608 3h 10m
aaronnahuel2000 512 4h 3m
Gizmo 497 4h 38m
Tu papá con un cinto 484 4h 41m
Josue.Vs 480 0h 5m