Server Details

#2 [ARG] TRAPLIFE by 9z | Casual | discord.gg/traplife


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Current map: nmo_brooklyn

Game: Garry's Mod
#1459 Garry's Mod Ranking
0th percentile
#23 AR GMOD Server Ranking
#23 of 34 Garry's Mod servers in Argentina
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2 years ago
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
J4ck187 2,401 12h 59m
Generador Alternador Trifasico 1,749 6h 41m
xxX.BⱢѺѺD.Xxx 1,365 8h 7m
CORSO 1,167 1h 22m
TROLL FACE 910 8h 51m
x_SeYiEr_x 910 7h 26m
Ghost 832 3h 47m
rtxA 821 5h 16m
+--+ESPA+--+ 798 9h 50m
@_@(kill)@_@ 730 3h 37m