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Custom HighJump (DM) by team-lf.de


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Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
#586 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Ranking
0th percentile
#134 DE COD4 Server Ranking
#134 of 171 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare servers in Germany
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2 years ago
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Online Players
Name Score Ping Time Online
(cRW)Cloud 0 54 > 24 hours
rusty 0 23 > 24 hours
T Average# 06 0 N/A > 24 hours
Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
LIS 33,100 19h 41m
Lt-Arda 30,100 22h 46m
T Average# 04 27,649 1h 31m
T Average# 02 26,417 5h 16m
T Average# 03 25,682 5h 20m
Lone_Wolf 24,800 8h 26m
BAM 22,900 1d 14h 48m
T Average# 08 21,250 1h 5m
J.D 20,050 20h 51m
T Average# 05 19,512 4h 43m