Server Details

BF1942 | COOP (CHN)


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Current map: liberation of caen

Game: Battlefield 1942
#29 Battlefield 1942 Ranking
76th percentile
#2 CN BF1942 Server Ranking
#2 of 4 Battlefield 1942 servers in China
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
[qq] 25,491 9d 3h 15m
Xiao_Jian 22,055 7d 0h 47m
Johnny James 12,853 3d 5h 39m
Bf888 6,705 3d 13h 23m
BFSoldier 6,228 4d 10h 29m
scott 4,060 1d 20h 34m
EREF-PAN 3,685 1d 6h 57m
puh. 2,749 1d 9h 32m
=EREF= 2,240 22h 57m
=U N=FRED 2,084 1d 5h 40m