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Current map: zm_biohazard

Game: Counter Strike: 1.6
#57 Counter Strike: 1.6 Ranking
47th percentile
#6 DE CS16 Server Ranking
#6 of 67 Counter Strike: 1.6 servers in Germany
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
KinVa 1,298 10h 31m
m4. 1,279 1d 20h 33m
H@$H 1,161 1d 13h 8m
<KRLoS> [SiN aPeNDiCe] 1,091 1d 2h 49m
DarK-PrO 1,008 1d 0h 45m
wizz 766 1d 7h 0m
Dl.Ministru 707 1d 21h 23m
mooN 662 22h 18m
Alpha 597 12h 13m
SopranoBadBoy 593 2d 15h 28m