Server Details

NH' CoDJumper | 4x Coins


Players online (6% full)

Current map: mp_aether

Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
#611 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Ranking
0th percentile
#138 DE COD4 Server Ranking
#138 of 171 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare servers in Germany
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Online Players
Name Score Ping Time Online
Rushed 0 27 > 24 hours
Tomasz 0 182 > 24 hours
Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
NH' Room302 21,600 11d 3h 44m
NH' Bad 8,095 2d 19h 41m
Sam 4,085 1d 6h 44m
NH' Sam 3,632 1d 11h 38m
NH' Zwint 3,512 1d 11h 30m
V!RuZ 2,030 1d 15h 0m
Joe 1,971 2d 0h 1m
NH' Tadislo 1,844 1d 7h 13m
HarambeUltra 1,658 1d 2h 31m
LiiMiT 1,526 2d 6h 52m