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[EU] noAim.eu | Wasteland Altis |GearLoadout|AirDrops|ALL DLC


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Current map: Altis

Game: Arma 3
#92 Arma 3 Ranking
85th percentile
#41 DE ARMA3 Server Ranking
#41 of 255 Arma 3 servers in Germany
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Online Players
Name Score Ping Time Online
ARHIP 0 N/A > 24 hours
Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
[ArCh]RaMb0 897 11d 6h 47m
Shinden-KAI 676 8d 10h 37m
fkmup 551 7d 17h 56m
Sit 500 7d 11h 55m
max4649 463 2d 18h 42m
Stamper 401 7d 2h 50m
VodkaGamer 380 5d 1h 3m
Discovery 379 5d 6h 56m
Vi4nY 366 5d 2h 26m
LuMiix 299 2d 16h 9m