Total players: 14861

Players - CodeFourGaming - King Of The Hill HC Infantry US #2 - 24/7 Day
Rank Player Name Total Score Total Time
1 JakeTheBaked -4 0h 36m
2 [Sécu-I] Olivier S [CFP] -5 0h 1m
3 Luka Galapago -5 0h 0m
4 moo takes land requests -5 0h 0m
5 [WTF]Shuter165 -5 0h 0m
6 hick -6 0h 26m
7 CJ [S.S.G] -6 0h 0m
8 danne -7 0h 6m
9 Dmitriy -7 0h 0m
10 SmallDiva -9 0h 54m
11 jake8 -14 1h 19m