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 OASIS 07.RU ██ AWP ██ ХАЙПОВЫЙ | 0+


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Current map: awp_lego_2_oasis

Game: Counter Strike: Global Offensive
#2538 Counter Strike: Global Offensive Ranking
0th percentile
#277 RU CSGO Server Ranking
#277 of 310 Counter Strike: Global Offensive servers in Russia
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Kenedy 2,582 15h 2m
ZeFirka♡ 1,830 5h 10m
Leargini 1,619 5h 23m
haimen21343256 1,476 3h 38m
igor51♪ 1,381 2h 58m
Илья 1,287 5h 37m
JordanBig 1,221 3h 50m
-mag1k Oasis07.ru 1,178 1h 13m
Mizantrop 1,061 4h 2m
blody_pelmex-_- 982 4h 29m