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Game: Counter Strike: 1.6
#224 Counter Strike: 1.6 Ranking
0th percentile
#61 RU CS16 Server Ranking
#61 of 207 Counter Strike: 1.6 servers in Russia
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
ЕНОТ_ЗВЕРЬ. 2,736 3d 5h 58m
Nekit 31 RUS St Oskol 2,287 1d 0h 39m
(O.Y.N)CAX 2,286 2d 13h 21m
0Xaker0 2,210 21h 29m
Лимонад4Стакана 2,088 19h 9m
CTAKAH - yes 1,382 1d 9h 53m
Igor102rus 1,276 1d 22h 52m
Try not cry 1,194 23h 35m
ELegant1k72 1,094 1d 8h 44m
Needly 959 1d 15h 53m