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I Want My Mommmmy


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Game: Insurgency: Sandstorm
#44 Insurgency: Sandstorm Ranking
60th percentile
#25 US INSURGSS Server Ranking
#25 of 52 Insurgency: Sandstorm servers in United States
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
PeeWee 11,090 8h 34m
[III%]Sgt. Slaughter 10,640 7h 19m
CSM Waldrip 10,280 9h 56m
[III%]captchaos 7,955 7h 25m
ghostnecclan 5,815 3h 37m
GoLd_DOX 5,205 3h 0m
Whiplash 5,130 2h 2m
The RRR League 5,120 4h 57m
viol8r 4,970 4h 42m
xXNerdsterXx 4,705 3h 37m