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(TKC) BF3 - Conquest, fast vehicle spawn.. Noob Friendly!


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Current map: MP_007

Game: Battlefield 3
#19 Battlefield 3 Ranking
70th percentile
#6 US BF3 Server Ranking
#6 of 20 Battlefield 3 servers in United States
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Klamerka23 461,568 2d 4h 48m
Voema 457,278 1d 16h 34m
Duke3KGT 426,413 1d 12h 46m
Yeoman318 413,729 1d 14h 44m
GDS-Gerrambo 359,192 1d 16h 12m
p_schnide 335,264 2d 6h 15m
TonyM_ca 298,344 1d 19h 48m
STICKYRODENT 269,014 1d 2h 33m
3MRxH 258,237 1d 0h 48m
Mmart72 206,102 17h 2m