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� [ OFFICIAL ] Arma 3 CP by Bohemia Interactive (EU) #01


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Current map: Malden

Game: Arma 3
#82 Arma 3 Ranking
87th percentile
#32 DE ARMA3 Server Ranking
#32 of 255 Arma 3 servers in Germany
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Pepijn 21,569 17h 47m
OMID 7,462 0h 32m
Romesha 2,956 0h 0m
Einheit 2,462 2d 7h 27m
M_i 1,981 22h 48m
Angel 1,871 16h 28m
Harrison [COBRA CLAN] 1,684 1d 12h 2m
SARKESH GHOST 1,681 0h 32m
Forest | Ru 1,549 19h 30m
Warnbro 1,533 5h 24m