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Current map: Malden

Game: Arma 3
#207 Arma 3 Ranking
66th percentile
#21 RU ARMA3 Server Ranking
#21 of 52 Arma 3 servers in Russia
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Sergey Ferganskiy 21,642 10d 11h 14m
PiratRu 21,116 9d 0h 59m
Hamster 18,837 4d 3h 4m
Oleg 17,239 6d 17h 6m
Qwatos70 12,646 6d 8h 13m
Manager 9,570 8d 10h 18m
TyHryC 8,128 4d 5h 10m
СКИТАЛЕЦ 7,978 8d 1h 2m
Фергана 7,532 4d 13h 27m
Maca3yka 6,672 2d 10h 17m