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Current map: centermatchbig_v4_s

Game: Quake 3
#48 Quake 3 Ranking
20th percentile
#11 DE QUAKE3 Server Ranking
#11 of 12 Quake 3 servers in Germany
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Speardriver 4,398 4h 23m
^x002EAC ^xcb0· ^xFFFKult^7 3,361 4h 43m
Bass 2,717 2h 36m
^x0ED-࿗- ^x5F8B ^xFFFe ^x2AFy ^xFFFl ^xFF7e ^xFFFt ^xBAF.^7 2,526 5h 24m
pim 2,038 5h 8m
^xF40٭ ^xF83カ ^xF40٭ ^x300Şђǻ∂οω^x400Ѣęǻşŧ^7 2,029 4h 1m
^xC02 😈^x01A^x03D^x05D^x09E^x0BE^x0DF^x1DF^xC02😈^7 1,771 2h 20m
^x0C1U^x099z^x0B0u^x099i^7 1,614 0h 4m
V^7isse.exe 1,485 0h 32m
SealBeater 1,397 3h 6m