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otstrel.ru Public #1


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Current map: Takistan

Game: Arma 2
#10 Arma 2 Ranking
86th percentile
#5 RU ARMA2 Server Ranking
#5 of 12 Arma 2 servers in Russia
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
VenoM 71,713 32d 18h 41m
Gnr yigit 49,161 23d 18h 32m
J23 47,348 8d 6h 9m
flash 35,802 13d 23h 39m
Uncle 34,329 22d 5h 27m
Panek 24,405 10d 4h 53m
Duke 20,082 7d 14h 22m
ГРОЗНЫЙ-31-12-1994 17,516 12d 16h 54m
Вin 16,621 11d 16h 3m
Serious Cat 16,360 6d 6h 9m