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Game: Counter Strike: 1.6
#81 Counter Strike: 1.6 Ranking
25th percentile
#13 RO CS16 Server Ranking
#13 of 50 Counter Strike: 1.6 servers in Romania
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
AdriaNNNOoo? # F!N4LShare. 4,402 7d 20h 45m
Grigoras 4,241 8d 19h 4m
GudzoN 3,214 3d 6h 26m
merCOAE 2,677 3d 3h 3m
n0-way 2,656 3d 6h 40m
eXceSS 1G 2,437 3d 8h 39m
AladeeN 2,044 5d 21h 45m
pacalici 2,030 2d 5h 23m
octx 1,928 2d 3h 32m
eol 1,902 1d 22h 3m