Server Details

Gauntlets Party Est


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Current map: q3dm7

Game: Quake 3
#25 Quake 3 Ranking
59th percentile
#1 EE QUAKE3 Server Ranking
#1 of 1 Quake 3 server in Estonia
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Note: bots may not appear in the online players list.
Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
^4Broadcast 7,162 11d 19h 45m
^3CableGuy 3,537 8d 0h 44m
bot 3,062 64d 7h 2m
0tomyboy0hun 2,958 2d 0h 33m
^6B^7eat 2,738 2d 15h 13m
morebots* 1,950 5d 13h 19m
ufk 1,640 3d 5h 16m
^1MiniSuperBot 1,595 1d 18h 16m
^5Danger^7 1,424 20h 29m
morebots** 1,301 1d 22h 39m