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Current map: Tembelan

Game: Arma 3
#155 Arma 3 Ranking
74th percentile
#13 FR ARMA3 Server Ranking
#13 of 94 Arma 3 servers in France
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
[ADJ] F."Exo" YS3 [DFS] 2,921 4d 21h 11m
[CC1]]M.Bacta ''YD8'' 2,271 6d 15h 48m
[1CL] V. Panda 1,584 4d 11h 51m
[SCH]M. "Price" YM5 [DFS] 1,534 2d 8h 52m
[G-C.O.S]Reg Seekings [DFS] 1,509 3d 9h 15m
[GBR]L."Shyvas" Shogun [DFS] 1,055 3d 21h 11m
[CDT] A. Vence YC1 [DFS] 284 2d 17h 57m
[SCH]M. "Price" YM5 276 3d 23h 30m
[SCH] N."YM6" Roro 237 3d 15h 22m
[1CL]V."Maverick"Molotov [DFS] 231 1d 8h 56m