Server Details

Priority Network | COOP | Discord.gg/BVnngEr


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Current map: Buhriz

Game: Insurgency: Sandstorm
#90 Insurgency: Sandstorm Ranking
18th percentile
#48 US INSURGSS Server Ranking
#48 of 52 Insurgency: Sandstorm servers in United States
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Officially2004inc 1,220 0h 37m
Pancake5000 1,055 0h 0m
StankyDee 825 0h 0m
dusty is stoned 685 0h 0m
Huecifer 530 0h 0m
RustyShackleford 500 0h 0m
IJack 315 0h 0m
~h~~b~ R. Wolf | 1D- 295 0h 15m
エンドマイライフ 245 0h 39m
1A-04 | Garrett 0 0h 26m