Server Details

Game: Counter Strike: Global Offensive
#203 Counter Strike: Global Offensive Ranking
85th percentile
#126 U CSGO Server Ranking
#126 of 1168 Counter Strike: Global Offensive servers in Unknown
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
GoLdEnEyE 33,339 5d 10h 6m
deJAvu 17,959 4d 17h 49m
ItouchE 14,220 4d 18h 39m
kesteko ♥ 10,380 1d 19h 0m
H44 10,376 1d 8h 0m
BoRdO_BaŞ_ÖrTüLü_TeYzE 9,768 4d 23h 1m
V𝓸𝓲𝓭 9,768 3d 7h 23m
Gloxinia グロキシニア 9,311 1d 17h 47m
レイラ ’ ハ 8,213 1d 12h 2m
[MK]ozenc* 8,112 1d 7h 54m