Server Details

Game: Counter Strike: Global Offensive
#1366 Counter Strike: Global Offensive Ranking
0th percentile
#21 TR CSGO Server Ranking
#21 of 140 Counter Strike: Global Offensive servers in Turkey
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
-Just a Melody 4,366 4h 43m
Coolonel 1,282 1d 1h 41m
BABAyorgun 1,272 0h 0m
Sh4dowsZ 1,216 21h 16m
-iPoyrazTheBest1- 1,175 1d 3h 11m
god bless you 1,119 0h 0m
Deniz ŞAHİN 971 7h 22m
(stephen curry) Asker 909 1d 5h 50m
LvisCyaN 836 4h 39m
chombilly 708 11h 43m