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Current map: MP_007

Game: Battlefield 3
#59 Battlefield 3 Ranking
5th percentile
#19 US BF3 Server Ranking
#19 of 20 Battlefield 3 servers in United States
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Top Player Rankings View all players
Name Total Score Total Time Played
Johnsonson_Jon 21,206 4h 14m
xGlockaa 9,580 0h 0m
leckazor 8,822 0h 0m
CZE_Kedar 6,880 0h 36m
OVECHKlNG899 6,800 0h 0m
dennisblade 6,684 0h 45m
persil8 6,678 0h 36m
chila24 6,130 0h 49m
jucabigode 5,250 0h 0m
LeperSucks 3,890 0h 58m